Somehow I always hated it when people told me what to read. It wasn’t that the books were crap, just the fact that I had to read them. I started to think that I don’t like to read which was horseshit, of course. I just took me a while to figure that out. I feel the same way about music. The radio stations force so many talentless shits, audial turds upon us which spread a stench of ass all across the nation and beyond… and you can’t escape it. It’s impossible. Somewhere, someone always turns it on, obeys to those ignorant puppets pretending to be masters. It’s a little bit of brainwashing, isn’t it? They play it over and over and over again until you can’t get it out of your head, dreaming it in your restless sleep. They tell you what’s good and hip just like when they tell you in Sitcoms when to laugh or    trends. You may ask yourself how someone can be so furious about such a trivial thing? I guess you don’t really care for music, do you?